
Dwight Hennings


Dwight Hennings / S3VT Biography Coach Dwight Hennings is a certified WSLVT instructor that has been teaching a semi-private student base since 2006 with modern training methods to develop practitioners in the Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun (WSLVT) System which are Simple, Direct, and Efficient. He began training in WSLVT under Sifu Lawrence Leung Chee Sing who was one of Wong Shun Leung’s earliest and top students, assistant instructors, and seminar tourmates. Starting in March 1997, Dwight trained intensely under Sifu Leung until the school’s closing in February 2004 where he continued testing and honing fighting skills through challenge matches, working as security, and the pavement arena.

The passion of learning and training continued by making annual visits to seminars conducted by Sifu David Peterson. One trip in 2008 resulted in being a live-in, private student of Sifu Gary Lam receiving a certificate of Outstanding Level. In 2011, attending the ‘Border Incident WSLVT Gathering’ in Australia, Sifu David Peterson presented Dwight with an Instructor’s shirt. In October 2012, the passport found its way to Hong Kong and then to Malaysia to participate in the 1st Worldwide Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun Fellowship Gathering. Upon returning to Hong Kong, Coach Hennings’ S3VT: System / Science / Skills Ving Tsun – WSLVT of Toronto, CANADA becoming the first certified member and only school in Canada to date to receive “Recognized Organization Status” by the Wong Shun Leung Students Association (WSLSA).

In 2014, Dwight Hennings was part of the WSLSA Organizational Committee in developing the successful Wong Shun Leung International Seminars Event in Hong Kong with first, second, and third generation practitioners from around the world attending by the hundreds. He had also received the distinguished honour of an Award of Recognition, seated amongst celebrated WSLVT Sifus and delegates during the opening ceremonies, and being a representative spokesperson for WSLVT Second Generation students.

The commitment to diligent training, high skill fighting, and community building has resulted in great successes for S3VT at home and abroad with Coach Hennings’ students competing in full contact tournaments winning several gold medals and results no less than bronze medals.

Complimenting the busy coaching schedule, he is also a contributing writer for Wing Chun Illustrated (WCI) with published interviews, topical articles, and product review elements.

S3VT continues to grow with its focus maintained on the integrity of the WSLVT System through training and community building within the immediate student base and esteemed peers around the world. Continuing to host its own workshops domestically and with the best of the best the system has produced such as Sifu Gary Lam Man Hog, Sifu John Smith, and Sifu Greg LeBlanc with more scheduled in Toronto, Canada.


Friends and associates of the S3VT // WSLVT team.

We are on Instagram
Join us Sunday, December 15th for an intensive 3hr
Wing Chun Training Workshop w/S3VT Head Coach Dwight Hennings
Sunday, December 15th • 9am - 12pm
Peggy Hill Community Center • Activity Room 1
171 Mapleton Avenue - Barrie, ON

Hosted by @s3vtnorth Coach Sam Tran in Barrie, Ontario.
Open to all levels of experience and lineages working the system, science, and skills of WSLVT (Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun).
Develop simple, direct, efficient, and dynamic skills through individual, partners drills toward practical applications that empower the invidual.

We're excited to host a great day of community, knowledge, and skills building.

Register your spot here: s3vtnorth@gmail.com
$80 Early Registration
$100 Day Of Event 

#wingchun #vingtsun #wslvt #wingchunkungfu #wslvttoronto #wslvtcanada #wingchuncanada #vingtsuncanada #Toronto #Barrie #martialarts #fightingarts #communitybuilding #training #skulls 
Thank you to everyone who attended and supported the GTA Wing Chun Meetup - Saturday, November 30th.
We generated $400 in donations to Sick Kids Hospital while having a fun day training.

Fighting arts supporting those fighting the good fight.
We'll do it again soon.

Also in photo from left of centre to right:
Ashley, Arie, Ed, Ra, Rafael
Out of Frame: Kashaf, Akim

#wingchun #vingtsun #communitybuilding #martialarts #fightingarts #training
Tomorrow/Saturday, November 30th...
GTA Wing Chun Meetup Charity Fundraiser for Sick Kids Hospital!
Saturday, November 30th 2024 • 10am - 1pm
85 Curlew Drive, Toronto • Unit 117 (entrance at back of building)

Sifu @derekgchan (Moy Yat VT) and Sifu Dwight Hennings (@s3vtwslvt) will be hosting this 3hr training meetup open to all lineages and experience levels to build community and support Sick Kids Hospital for the 2024 holiday season.
Participation donation is $20 with all proceeds going to Sick Kids Hospital.

We look forward to training with you all.
And then lunch right after.

#wingchun #vingtsun #wingchunmeetup #gta #greatertorontoarea #Toronto  #chisau #training #wingchuntoronto #vingtsuntoronto #wingchuncanada #vingtsuncanada #communitybuilding
Join us this Saturday, November 30th for the GTA Wing Chun Meetup Charity Fundraiser for Sick Kids Hospital!
Saturday, November 30th 2024 • 10am - 1pm
85 Curlew Drive, Toronto • Unit 117 (entrance at back of building)

Sifu @derekgchan (Moy Yat VT) and Sifu Dwight Hennings (@s3vtwslvt) will be hosting this 3hr training meetup open to all lineages and experience levels to build community and support Sick Kids Hospital for the 2024 holiday season.
Participation donation is $20 with all proceeds going to Sick Kids Hospital.
Then join us for lunch after the training day.
Thank you all for your support.
We look forward to training with you all.

#wingchun #vingtsun #wingchunmeetup #gta #greatertorontoarea #Toronto  #chisau #training #wingchuntoronto #vingtsuntoronto #wingchuncanada #vingtsuncanada #communitybuilding
GTA WIing Chun Meetup Saturday, November 30th 10am!
Open to all levels and lineages.
$20 donation with all proceeds going to Sick Kids Hospital.

85 Curlew Drive, Toronto ON • 10am - 1pm

Looking forward to a great day of building community and supporting Sick Kids.

#wingchun #vingtsun #wingchunmeetup #gta #greatertorontoarea #Toronto #chisau #training #wingchuntoronto #vingtsuntoronto #wingchuncanada #vingtsuncanada #communitybuilding
Working Dang Gwun mechanics with @vtmarkiemark in Hong Kong in 2014.
Generating explosive power from the body through the pole.

#wslvtworldwide #training #weapons #lokdimboongwun #gwun #longpole #wingchun #vingtsun #wingchuntoronto #wingchuncanada #vingtsuntoronto #vingtsuncanada #Toronto #HongKong
New S3VT.COM site coming soon with new content and video series.

Thank you to our friends at @wingchununited for the clip.

#vingtsun #wingchun #martialarts #fightingarts #chisau #communitybuilding #Toronto #eingchuncanada #vingtsuncanada #wingchuntoronto #vingtsuntoronto
Excited to announce we'll be hosting a 3hr Wing Chun Training Workshop w/S3VT Head Coach Dwight Hennings • Barrie, ON on Sunday, December 15th 2024!

Hosted by @s3vtnorth Coach Sam Tran in Barrie, Ontario and open to all levels of experience and lineages working the system, science, and skills of WSLVT (Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun).
Develop simple, direct, efficient, and dynamic skills through individual, partners drills toward practical applications that empower the invidual.
We're excited to host a great day of community, knowledge, and skills building.

Register your spot here: s3vtnorth@gmail.com
$80 Early Registration
$100 Day Of Event
Peggy Hill Community Center • Activity Room 1
171 Mapleton Avenue - Barrie, ON

#wingchun #vingtsun #wingchuncanada #vingtsuncanada #training #workshop #communitybuilding #martialarts #fightingarts #chisau #wslvt #wslvtcanada #wslvttoronto #wslvtworldwide
GTA Wing Chun Meetup - Saturday, November 30th Charity Fundraiser for Sick Kids Hospital!
85 Curlew Drive, Toronto • Unit 117 (entrance at back of building)
10am - 1pm

Sifu Dwight Hennings (WSLVT) and Sifu Derek Chan (Moy Yat VT) will be hosting this 3hr training meetup open to all lineages and experience levels to build community and support Sick Kids Hospital for the 2024 holiday season.
Participation donation is $20 with all proceeds going to Sick Kids Hospital.

Then join us for lunch after the training day.
Thank you all for your support.

#wingchun #vingtsun #communitybuilding #training #wingchunmeetup #toronto
We are excited to host the GTA Wing Chun Meetup - Saturday, November 30th Charity Fundraiser for Sick Kids Hospital!
85 Curlew Drive, Toronto • Unit 117 (entrance at back of building)
10am - 1pm

Sifu @derekgchan (Moy Yat VT) and Sifu Dwight Hennings @s3vtwslvt (WSLVT) will be hosting this 3hr training meetup open to all lineages and experience levels to build community and support Sick Kids Hospital for the 2024 holiday season.
Participation donation is $20 with all proceeds going to Sick Kids Hospital.

Then join us for lunch after the training day.

Thank you all for your support.
We look forward to training with you all. 

#gtameetup #wingchun #vingtsun #wingchunmeetup #vingtsunmeetup #Toronto #communitybuilding
Tuesday, October 22nd at 7pm:
S3VT Open Studio Session - Open to all lineages and levels
Reserve your spot at: makecontact@s3vt.com

Looking forward to another great night of training.

#S3VT #vingtsun #wingchun #vingtsunkungfu #wingchunkungfu #vingtsuntoronto #wingchuntoronto #vingtsuncanada #wingchuncanada #training #trainingsession #chisau #fightingarts #martialarts #Toronto #torontomartialarts #torontomartialartsclasses
Honoured to have inherited this 40+ year old teak HK Mook Yan Jong with one piece guava leg.

Wasn't properly maintained and needs a lot of work to remove the shellac, sealant, and other chemical layers on it that have yellowed and affected the wood drying out the surface layer causing some fraying in parts of the trunk and the tracks.
As well as filling and treating some of the small fissures in the trunk.

Will be restoring it to breathe new life into its new home becoming a beautiful piece once again.
Hope to make its original owner of those many decades proud as he looks down from above.

Step by step photos of the restoration work will be posted.

#mookyanjong #woodendummy #vingtsun #wingchun #vingtsuntoronto #wingchuntoronto #vingtsunkungfu #wingchunkungfu #vingtsuncanada #wingchuncanada #martialarts