S3VT Method
We are an intimate and interactive training environment without belts or sashes. The community of practitioners is in constant interaction with one another regardless of experience level.
Function, not fashion. Quality, not quantity. Value, not expense.
We are a Non-Commercial training environment committed to making WSLVT work for the individual.
WSLVT (Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun) is a combat SYSTEM that is Simple, Direct, and Efficient in its application. The difference between a “System” and a “Style” is that WSLVT offers function not fashion. Concrete skills for the concrete world. Concepts, Structures, and Actions practiced through Siu Nim Tau, Chum Kiu, Biu Jee, and Mook Yan Jong (Wooden Dummy) Forms. Various drills, exercises, Chi Sau, and other training methods are also employed to support the angles and mechanics which will result in ACTIONS that come alive with the right response, for the right or wrong situations.
S3VT’s 5 System Syllabus offers a comprehensive training format that challenges conventional methods to achieve the high skill and power that the WSLVT system offers. The System is designed to empower an individual of any martial arts experience, athleticism, body type, or age, as it best works for you. The skills one develops continually evolve and improve developing skilful fighting actions. Practitioners will be awarded certificates upon the successful completion of each of the 5 System Levels including Junior and Senior Instructor an Coach Certification at higher levels of practice and completion of the system.

"There are no secrets in Ving Tsun. Only questions that haven't been asked yet."
Wong Shun Leung

This quote resonates the consistent fact that Ving Tsun can work for anyone. It is not an ‘exclusive’ club that caters to one type of practitioner but that it is a system that is supported and reinforced by universal laws of Geometry, Physics, Kinetics, Psychology, and Physiology.
Structure, Angle, Distance, Timing, and Energy are key fundamental building blocks to WSLVT. The sum total of these fundamentals builds Balance and Control and ultimately developing Power. Not Power as most would perceive it to be as brute force; but, as Power to employ high efficiency Actions and Mechanics that produce a high level of Skill. Supported
Structure gives the practitioner the blueprint needed to have stable positions supported by the whole body not just one part or component. The ability to employ the body as One Whole Unit that is a balanced support and delivery system.
In Ving Tsun, force does not fight against force. We employ and create Angles through footwork to apply actions that create lines of direct attack, optimal opportunity, through the path of least resistance.
Distance management and control will provide and support the angles taken with the right structures employed. Learning to control one’s personal space and radius as well as learning to engage and control your opponent’s space and actions.
Timing is crucial in employing in making your actions work. Not linear or rhythmic timing like the sequence of seconds on a clock or stopwatch; but, Relative Timing. Using the right structure, with the right angle, in the right distance, at the right time. Not speed but Efficiency. Devloping reflex actions that will pursue the best opportunity as it works best for the practitioner.
Energy is the last component to explore, understand, and employ. Learning to economize one’s actions so that the practitioner does not find themself having to wrestle or muscle through a situation. But also being able to strike the target with great force with the support of the right Timing, at the right Distance, through the right Angles, with the right Structures.
Developing these five essential components will result in Balance and Control. Through balance and control, the practitioner develops Power. The ability to apply, recover, and counter attack the opponent with great results. Simply, Directly, and Efficiently.
Ving Tsun is a system designed to work for YOU. Regardless of age, body type, athleticism, or gender. It is Practical and Efficient.
Belts, sashes, and uniforms do not give the individual the real tools they need for the real world. Concrete Skills for the concrete jungle.
S3VT makes the system work for you in an environment without attitude. In a community of like minded individuals working together to improve each other for personal growth, health, efficient combat skills, or high skill fighting actions. In an intimate training environment where the instruction is hands on and interactive. Where all questions are welcome and encouraged. Knowledge is power and we will put that power in your hands to make it work for you.
From Forms, to Drills, to Footwork Training, to Chi Sau, to Gor Sau, to Bag Training, to Pads Training, to Sparring, to Wooden Dummy Training, to Weapons Training… S3VT pulls no punches and holds nothing back in offering a standard of practice that develops real skills for the real world.
"Become the master of the art, not its slave."
Join us Sunday, December 15th for an intensive 3hr
Wing Chun Training Workshop w/S3VT Head Coach Dwight Hennings
Sunday, December 15th • 9am – 12pm
Peggy Hill Community Center • Activity Room 1
171 Mapleton Avenue – Barrie, ON
Hosted by @s3vtnorth Coach Sam Tran in Barrie, Ontario.
Open to all levels of experience and lineages working the system, science, and skills of WSLVT (Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun).
Develop simple, direct, efficient, and dynamic skills through individual, partners drills toward practical applications that empower the invidual.
We`re excited to host a great day of community, knowledge, and skills building.
Register your spot here: s3vtnorth@gmail.com
$80 Early Registration
$100 Day Of Event
#wingchun #vingtsun #wslvt #wingchunkungfu #wslvttoronto #wslvtcanada #wingchuncanada #vingtsuncanada #Toronto #Barrie #martialarts #fightingarts #communitybuilding #training #skulls

Thank you to everyone who attended and supported the GTA Wing Chun Meetup – Saturday, November 30th.
We generated $400 in donations to Sick Kids Hospital while having a fun day training.
Fighting arts supporting those fighting the good fight.
We`ll do it again soon.
Also in photo from left of centre to right:
Ashley, Arie, Ed, Ra, Rafael
Out of Frame: Kashaf, Akim
#wingchun #vingtsun #communitybuilding #martialarts #fightingarts #training

Tomorrow/Saturday, November 30th…
GTA Wing Chun Meetup Charity Fundraiser for Sick Kids Hospital!
Saturday, November 30th 2024 • 10am – 1pm
85 Curlew Drive, Toronto • Unit 117 (entrance at back of building)
Sifu @derekgchan (Moy Yat VT) and Sifu Dwight Hennings (@s3vtwslvt) will be hosting this 3hr training meetup open to all lineages and experience levels to build community and support Sick Kids Hospital for the 2024 holiday season.
Participation donation is $20 with all proceeds going to Sick Kids Hospital.
We look forward to training with you all.
And then lunch right after.
#wingchun #vingtsun #wingchunmeetup #gta #greatertorontoarea #Toronto #chisau #training #wingchuntoronto #vingtsuntoronto #wingchuncanada #vingtsuncanada #communitybuilding

Join us this Saturday, November 30th for the GTA Wing Chun Meetup Charity Fundraiser for Sick Kids Hospital!
Saturday, November 30th 2024 • 10am – 1pm
85 Curlew Drive, Toronto • Unit 117 (entrance at back of building)
Sifu @derekgchan (Moy Yat VT) and Sifu Dwight Hennings (@s3vtwslvt) will be hosting this 3hr training meetup open to all lineages and experience levels to build community and support Sick Kids Hospital for the 2024 holiday season.
Participation donation is $20 with all proceeds going to Sick Kids Hospital.
Then join us for lunch after the training day.
Thank you all for your support.
We look forward to training with you all.
#wingchun #vingtsun #wingchunmeetup #gta #greatertorontoarea #Toronto #chisau #training #wingchuntoronto #vingtsuntoronto #wingchuncanada #vingtsuncanada #communitybuilding

GTA WIing Chun Meetup Saturday, November 30th 10am!
Open to all levels and lineages.
$20 donation with all proceeds going to Sick Kids Hospital.
85 Curlew Drive, Toronto ON • 10am – 1pm
Looking forward to a great day of building community and supporting Sick Kids.
#wingchun #vingtsun #wingchunmeetup #gta #greatertorontoarea #Toronto #chisau #training #wingchuntoronto #vingtsuntoronto #wingchuncanada #vingtsuncanada #communitybuilding

Working Dang Gwun mechanics with @vtmarkiemark in Hong Kong in 2014.
Generating explosive power from the body through the pole.
#wslvtworldwide #training #weapons #lokdimboongwun #gwun #longpole #wingchun #vingtsun #wingchuntoronto #wingchuncanada #vingtsuntoronto #vingtsuncanada #Toronto #HongKong

New S3VT.COM site coming soon with new content and video series.
Thank you to our friends at @wingchununited for the clip.
#vingtsun #wingchun #martialarts #fightingarts #chisau #communitybuilding #Toronto #eingchuncanada #vingtsuncanada #wingchuntoronto #vingtsuntoronto

Excited to announce we`ll be hosting a 3hr Wing Chun Training Workshop w/S3VT Head Coach Dwight Hennings • Barrie, ON on Sunday, December 15th 2024!
Hosted by @s3vtnorth Coach Sam Tran in Barrie, Ontario and open to all levels of experience and lineages working the system, science, and skills of WSLVT (Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun).
Develop simple, direct, efficient, and dynamic skills through individual, partners drills toward practical applications that empower the invidual.
We`re excited to host a great day of community, knowledge, and skills building.
Register your spot here: s3vtnorth@gmail.com
$80 Early Registration
$100 Day Of Event
Peggy Hill Community Center • Activity Room 1
171 Mapleton Avenue – Barrie, ON
#wingchun #vingtsun #wingchuncanada #vingtsuncanada #training #workshop #communitybuilding #martialarts #fightingarts #chisau #wslvt #wslvtcanada #wslvttoronto #wslvtworldwide

GTA Wing Chun Meetup – Saturday, November 30th Charity Fundraiser for Sick Kids Hospital!
85 Curlew Drive, Toronto • Unit 117 (entrance at back of building)
10am – 1pm
Sifu Dwight Hennings (WSLVT) and Sifu Derek Chan (Moy Yat VT) will be hosting this 3hr training meetup open to all lineages and experience levels to build community and support Sick Kids Hospital for the 2024 holiday season.
Participation donation is $20 with all proceeds going to Sick Kids Hospital.
Then join us for lunch after the training day.
Thank you all for your support.
#wingchun #vingtsun #communitybuilding #training #wingchunmeetup #toronto

We are excited to host the GTA Wing Chun Meetup – Saturday, November 30th Charity Fundraiser for Sick Kids Hospital!
85 Curlew Drive, Toronto • Unit 117 (entrance at back of building)
10am – 1pm
Sifu @derekgchan (Moy Yat VT) and Sifu Dwight Hennings @s3vtwslvt (WSLVT) will be hosting this 3hr training meetup open to all lineages and experience levels to build community and support Sick Kids Hospital for the 2024 holiday season.
Participation donation is $20 with all proceeds going to Sick Kids Hospital.
Then join us for lunch after the training day.
Thank you all for your support.
We look forward to training with you all.
#gtameetup #wingchun #vingtsun #wingchunmeetup #vingtsunmeetup #Toronto #communitybuilding

Tuesday, October 22nd at 7pm:
S3VT Open Studio Session – Open to all lineages and levels
Reserve your spot at: makecontact@s3vt.com
Looking forward to another great night of training.
#S3VT #vingtsun #wingchun #vingtsunkungfu #wingchunkungfu #vingtsuntoronto #wingchuntoronto #vingtsuncanada #wingchuncanada #training #trainingsession #chisau #fightingarts #martialarts #Toronto #torontomartialarts #torontomartialartsclasses

Honoured to have inherited this 40+ year old teak HK Mook Yan Jong with one piece guava leg.
Wasn`t properly maintained and needs a lot of work to remove the shellac, sealant, and other chemical layers on it that have yellowed and affected the wood drying out the surface layer causing some fraying in parts of the trunk and the tracks.
As well as filling and treating some of the small fissures in the trunk.
Will be restoring it to breathe new life into its new home becoming a beautiful piece once again.
Hope to make its original owner of those many decades proud as he looks down from above.
Step by step photos of the restoration work will be posted.
#mookyanjong #woodendummy #vingtsun #wingchun #vingtsuntoronto #wingchuntoronto #vingtsunkungfu #wingchunkungfu #vingtsuncanada #wingchuncanada #martialarts